He's A Doll! Schedule Status




This page contains a list of scheduled project events, and key milestones and deliverables from the He's A Doll Executive Committee and Club Members.  These will be announced as needed or quarterly.

In addition, our club Secretary maintains the following prioritized lists of what we're working on this month, and what we plan to do next month from the meeting minutes between council, as well of membership status and records.

Membership Status:  Members to-date:  86

Message from our (Acting) Secretary Jef

Minutes from the He’s A Doll Club 2nd Annual Meeting

July 22, 2010Cleveland, OH

12:15-12:45 Light Refreshments and Socialize!

Pick-up Club Pins (requests and new members)/2009 Club T-shirts

12:45-1:45 Call the Meeting to Order (President) The meeting was called to order at 12:48 pm by VP Julie Bronski.  EC Present:  Julie Bronski (Vice President), Jef Beck (Acting) Secretary and Jack Wootten (Treasurer).  EC Not Present:  Dwane Adle (President).

On behalf of the EC and Board, Jef thanked members Peter and Stan for coordinating the food, beverage and decorations for the meeting.


2009 Membership Update (Acting Secretary) Jef reported that we had a total of 83 members in good standing for 2009

Fiscal 2009 Treasurer Report (Treasurer) Jack reported we had a fiscal 2009 balance of $1777.04 (As of 03/31/2010)


2010 Membership Update (Acting Secretary) Jef reported we currently have 79 members in good standing (including 4 new members that joined during the 2010 NBDCC).

2010 Treasurer Report (Treasurer) Jack reported we have a current balance of $2742.95 (As of 06/30/2010)

Club Committees Discussion (Founder/Vice President/Floor) Newsletter . Promotions . Outreach . (Special) Conventions Jef as Founder talked about filling the club committees.  Jef read from the bylaws what each committee entails (see detail below).  So far we only have a chair heading the Newsletter committee (Micheal).  We need chairs heading the Promotions and Outreach Committee.  In discussion it was determined that Jef as Founder would appoint the (Special) Conventions Committee chair because he is the 2011 NBDCC Host Club Liaison Chair and speaking as the Board of Trustees.  Jef defined what a “general member” is from the bylaws.  General members will certainly be more of a focus during the 2011 NBDCC, which was the reason for the reminder.  The EC determined it is essential for the club’s success to fill these positions.  Please see Julie our Vice-President if you are interested in chairing one of these committees.

Read from the bylaws:

1. Promotions Committee:  The purpose of the Promotion Committee is to market the He’s A Doll! Club through advertising, promotional events and special promotional projects.

2. Outreach Committee:  The purpose of the Outreach Committee is to recruit members for the continued fun and success of the club.

3. Newsletter Committee:  The purpose of the Newsletter Committee is to prepare the quarterly newsletter including but not limited to design and content.

4. Special Committees: The President and Board of Trustees may create special committees from time to time.  Special committees shall consider and report to the club on specific matters.

GENERAL MEMBERS-Those who participate or volunteer for a club event and/or with any committee shall be considered “general members” of this club.  No initiations of dues or voting privileges are allowed for general members of the club.

By-law Amendments Discussion/Vote (Founder/Floor)

To add member email usage language – The following was added to the bylaws; voted and approved: The email addresses listed on the Yahoo group shall be used for the sole purpose of He’s A Doll! official club communication, any other use is prohibited

To define Article II: 1 for the 2011 Convention Host Club Year - There was a discussion to limit the membership window in 2011 because we are the host club for the 2011 convention.  Jef and Norita mentioned that people may just want to join the club for the benefits of being a member during the host club year.  It has happened in the past.  Due amounts were discussed and there was a general consensus without objection to keep member renewal cost at $22 and new membership at $24, which is the same as 2010 membership.  In relation to the bylaw that states:  A member initiated after the first day in October shall pay one-half of the dues for the year.  No new memberships or renewals will be accepted after the last day of December of the membership year.” Will stand for 2010, but will not stand for 2011 membership because of the approval of the special addendum.  The special addendum was discussed to be added to the bylaws that will only be in place for 2011.  They will be added as an addendum immediately.  Effective dates of the special addendum will commence on March 13, 2011 and expire on March 12, 2012.  The addendum addition was voted on and approved to state the following:  2011 club membership is effective March 13, 2011 to March 12, 2012.  2010 member renewal and new membership will be limited to March 13, 2011 to May 1, 2011.

To define Article II: 2: 2.3 – Jef had asked if word “defames” in this article needed to be clarified and more defined.  After discussion, it was voted not to amend this article.

Nomination/Vote for 2010 Member-At-Large Norita Bergmann was nominated and accepted.  The vote was to retain Norita Bergmann as Member-At Large

Nomination/Vote for 2010 Secretary Peter Harrigan was nominated and accepted.  The vote was to place Peter Harrigan as Secretary; replacing Jef Beck as (Acting) Secretary.

 Presentation of Traveling Ken (Member-Beth) Members Beth and Paula presented Traveling Ken to members and the EC.  He was placed with the first member on the list with instructions and a travel schedule which should be forwarded with the doll.

Presentation of the first 2010 Club Exclusive Item (President) Dwane (now present) presented the first club exclusive item, a Ken branded Stik Withit paper cube.  (A note cube with various Ken logos in the “official” Ken color that will be used by Mattel in 2011).  This item was then distributed to members in attendance.  It was announced that any leftover units would be available for sale for $5.00 as a fund raiser for the club to members only purchase and they would then be placed for sale to members on the Yahoo board with order unit limitations, which could be subject to change.  UPDATE:  Item is currently for sale and an order sheet was created.

2010 Club Exclusive Items Announced (Vice President) Two more club exclusive items were announced.  1.) In October a t-shirt will be available that will be designed by member Andrea Rossi.  2.) A Ken doll fashion will be produced and available in December 2010 or January 2011.  More information is forthcoming about both items.

2011 Club Exclusive Items Discussion (Acting Secretary/Vice President/Floor) Jef opened up discussion from the floor as to what members would like to see as 2011 club exclusive items.  He announced we will have 5 to 6 club exclusive items considering it is the 50th anniversary.  Jef looked at 2010 member applications and the most popular requested items from members were as follows:  most interested in is Jewlery – need to know what they want…needs to be unisex.  Second a cap.  Third was a t-shirt.  Fourth was a stationary set.  Discussion from the floor included Ken tag earrings…..charm (both women and men can wear)….dog tags more unisex….necklace that is unisex – denim shirts – tshirt to be Ken szied….beret with Ken on it…..red rally day cap…..

2011 NBDCC Update (President) Dwane asked for ideas for properly recognizing volunteers and members at the 2011 NBDCC.  Ideas from the floor included – t-shirts, buttons, badges, stickers, etc.

Presentation to Dwane Adle-2011 Chair & Maria Sox-2011 Advisor (Founder) Jef as Founder presented Dwane and Maria each with a donated gift basket of office supplies that they could use in planning the 2011 convention.

Ideas for 2011 Club Meeting (President/Floor) – Dwane needed to leave so VP Julie asked the floor for ideas surrounding the 2011 club meeting.  Ideas from the floor included to let members know further in advance of location and time – perhaps work to make sure hotel knows where location is – meetings are fine as is.  Jef did mention that we will significantly increase our budget for the 2011 meeting and since we are the host club, the atmosphere will be elevated and very elegant (think Palm Beach Silkstone, pool-side country club party.  Meeting will be first, longer social time frame afterwards).

Future Contest Ideas (Floor) – Jef thanked Paula & Beth for the travel doll: fun idea; then asked if there were any other ideas about contests we can do as a club – the floor mentioned the following:  virtual meeting – have had re-dressing, OOAK – design challenge – theme photos are good – favorite Ken visiting favorite monument – as a club do a raffle basket donation (Julie to coordinate) – OOAK doll participate to be in the silent auction – using Kens to decorate registration – Ken stuck on his shoulder to be recognized (flat Stanley)

Fund Raising Ideas (Floor) The floor mentioned the following ideas- Ken logo tote bag – club logo mini tote (Beth & Paula) – button that says “I am not just an accessory” line from TS 3

Discussion on Where/How Funds are to be used (Floor) – Jef clarified that funds will NOT be used for charity and funds should be used on club members – note cube was part of the funds – show how the subsidy is being applied or more club paid for gifts.  Ideas from the floor included Drinks with hats.  Spend more money on food for next year since it is ours.  Make social a little longer.  Pin in the same logo as the shirt.  Can still get the 2009 shirt with updated year – can’t change artwork.  Can we change color like a reverse print?   IF they were to re-do the logo use the new logo for the 0 in 2011.  We can get the shirt as is printed right now.  Can we get it done on a tank?  Original cost was $15.

Questions to the Executive Committee from the Floor-There were no questions from the floor.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 2:11pm

Next Meeting: July 2011/Fort Lauderdale, FL



This Month

  1. (Secretary) Post Annual Meeting Minutes
  2. (President) Publish President's statement for newsletter (hesadoll.com)
  3. (VP) Publish Featured member for the newsletter (hesadoll.com)
  4. (Secretary) Maintain and publish on hesadoll.com the following prioritized lists of what Club Officers, The Board of Trustees, and/or Club Members are working on this month (Aug)  
  5. (Founder) Continue to on-board new members
  6. (Treasurer) Sale of 2010 Club Exclusive Item 1 (Stik Withit Ken Paper Cube)
  7. (Member) Beth launch Traveling Ken


Next Month

  1. (VP) Month-long Member Contest
  2. (Executive Committee) Plan launch of 2010 Club Exclusive Item 2 (t-shirt)
  3. (Executive Committee) Plan launch of 2010 Club Exclusive Item 3 (Ken fashion)
  4. (Executive Committee) Discuss 2011 Club Exclusive Items
  5. (VP) Place members who wish to serve on the following:  Promotions, Outreach, Newsletter and (Special-Conventions) Committees
  6. (VP) Announce Promotions and Outreach Committee Chairs
  7. (Founder)  Announce (Special-Conventions) Committee Chair

Last Month

  1. (Executive Committee) Dispersement of 2010 Club Exclusive Item 1 (Stik Withit Ken Paper Cube)
  2. (Executive Committee) Facilitate 2010 Annual Club Meeting



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Milestones and Deliverables

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He's A Doll! is a Ken® doll internet club.  He's A Doll! Club is an officially recognized "Barbie® Collectors Club" by Mattel. Official club listing, can be found at http://www.barbiecollectibles.com/collecting/clublocator.asp.  The club is based in Cedar Rapids, IA, USA and web based in Iowa, USA.

Ken is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc. These pages are neither affiliated with, nor a representative of Mattel, Inc. Material provided on these pages do not in any way reflect the opinions of Mattel, Inc.
Copyright © 2010 He's A Doll! All Rights Reserved.
Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
For problems or questions regarding this web mailto:jef@manbehindthedoll.com