Meet collector and HAD member Stan (Stannard) Baker, interviewed by his husband (collector and HAD member) Peter Harrigan.


 What toys did you play with as a child?

I was enthralled with what I call micro-play, spending hours in the sun on our Southern California patio playing with my Sears Farm Set.  I also have a photo of me playing outdoors with neighborhood friends.  We’re having a doll tea party.  The caption says “Stanny and his doll!”  I also organized a board game room in my parents’ garage and invited lots of neighborhood friends into the room and got them all playing cooperatively for hours.  I also loved spending lots of time at the beach, hiking and exploring.  Is it any wonder that my first job was as a K-1 teacher in Hollywood, and that I later became a Child and Family therapist and am one of Vermont’s only RPT – S (Registered Play Therapist – Supervisors)!

PICTURED ABOVE:  Stanny and his doll.

PICTURED ABOVE:  Stan playing with farm set, Whittier, CA

How did you get started collecting Ken dolls?

The first year that my now husband Peter Harrigan and I were together, I gave him a Barbie as “reparative therapy.”  It was a repro of the same doll that belonged to his sister and mysteriously “disappeared” one day after he had been found playing with his sister’s dolls.  Little did I understand the power and passion of Peter’s collecting gene! His collection grew and grew, and the seed was planted for our current two rooms (on our lower floor) of doll dioramas.  I began to attend doll shows with Peter and, at first, would walk around and then sit and read.  At toy stores I’d leave him in the pink aisle and go look at male action figures.  Soon I discovered the world of vintage Ken and realized I could buy vintage Ken dolls that needed a little fixing up for almost nothing while everyone else was paying top dollar for Barbie.  Soon I became an avid Ken collector, created a pictorial catalogue of my collection to carry to shows that showed what I had and indicated my wants and needs.  I made the book by cutting up and pasting photos and descriptions from the Sarah Sink Eames book, (must have been before scanning!) and also bought the Sandra Bryan book as a reference.


 PICTURED ABOVE:  "I enjoy fixing up Ken & Alan dolls and displaying them in vintage outfits – here is a sample of what I have, including 2 ooaks by HAD’s own amazing Arnaldo (in shirts by Vickie!), and a gray-flocked repro-Ken by Rob’s Dolls. I found the “Davy Crockett” outfit on a vintage doll at a Flea Market in South Dakota."


Do you have non-Mattel dolls in your collection?

Yes, I have some Fashion Royalty male dolls as well as Star Wars and Star Trek figures.   I also have three 18” Trent doll but they have to live on a shelf upstairs so they don’t throw off the proportions of the 12” displays!

PICTURED ABOVE:  "I always keep an eye out for these if they are good likenesses. Pictured are (back) Dennis Rodman and “The Rock;” (middle) Bill Clinton and Elton John; (front) Barack Obama, Snoop Dog, and Michael Jackson."


Where/how are your dolls displayed?

I have shelves of my vintage Ken dolls, and many of my Kens have been cast in Peter’s dioramas.  I did insist that Peter have at least one “Kens only” diorama.


PICTURED ABOVE:  Stan's Ken Diorama.

When did you first attend a National Doll convention?

Peter and I first went to the public sales room at the Pittsburgh Convention is 1999.  At that point we knew we would be going to future conventions.


How many have you gone to?

NBDCC Boston 2005; DC 2009; Cleveland 2010; Fort Lauderdale 2011, He’s a Doll 2012.


What makes conventions fun for you?

I love the people, dressing up for events (I was in the fashion show at Ft. Lauderdale), room sales, joining old and new friends for meals, supporting the efforts of HAD at the Annual Meeting (I am in charge of planning the space and food for the Annual Meeting).  I look forward to old and new tablemates.  Spending time in the months before convention working with Peter to prepare our table gifts adds to the anticipation and fun!  I also filled in for Peter as secretary last year at the first KenVention in Chicago when he couldn’t be there).  I also love having time with Peter away for both of our very busy and intense jobs where we can have fun and delight ourselves in a completely different and wonderful world.  Communication between conventions is also fun.  Since starting collecting I’ve become good at cleaning, re-flocking, and re-painting faces, so I usually come home with several friends that need some loving attention.

 I also collect OOAK dolls and am a HUGE fan of Matt Trujillo and his work.  A convention is not complete for me unless I come home with a couple of Matt’s creations.

PICTURED ABOVE:  Stan as Ken as Roger Sterling at the 2011 NBDCC.  "I wore the “Roger Sterling Prototype” outfit at the 2010 convention (the doll hadn’t quite come out yet)."

PICTURED ABOVE:  Stan's collection of OOAK Matt Trujillo dolls.  " I love Matt and his dolls – I try to get at least one at every convention."


What Ken “Holy Grails” are you still seeking?

Here Comes the Groom.  I may just have to buck up and bring a bank role to a future convention. I’d also like to pick up a complete Business Appointment.  I have most all other vintage outfits displayed on dolls.


What products would you like to see Mattel (or other toy companies) make for 11.5-12” dolls and figures?

I love classic outfits, especially suits, blazers, and long sleeved shirts.  (I was thrilled with the Roger Sterling doll that even had a separate vest!) It’s especially rewarding to me to find clothes with working zippers, good looking buttons, an outfit with underwear and socks, etc.

PICTURED ABOVE:  "Rooted-hair Kens in tuxes: 2 of my favorite things, combined on one doll."


What do you do when you’re not collecting Ken?

I am currently Clinical Director for the Intellectual Disability/Autism Service Area of a large mental health agency in Burlington, Vermont.  While I love this job, I’ll be transitioning into private practice at the end of the summer to provide more control over my time.  I am also an ordained clergy person in The Episcopal Church.  I spend a day a week at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, as well as Sundays, as The Rev. Deacon Stannard Baker.


PICTURED ABOVE:  The Rev. Deacon Stannard Baker (left) and partner Peter Harrigan. 

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